Having trouble with hotel reservations? Let HRS lend you a hand in making direct reservations without hidden charges in over 250,000 hotels around the world. HRS has successfully flourished as a global company operating an electronic hotel reservation system. Their advanced system allows business travelers and companies to complete hotel reservations with immediate confirmation at HRS rates. The company has offices in Warsaw, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, London, Shanghai and Moscow and is connected with 30,000 companies worldwide for faster transactions.

Having trouble with hotel reservations? Let HRS lend you a hand in making direct reservations without hidden charges in over 250,000 hotels around the world. HRS has successfully flourished as a global company operating an electronic hotel reservation system. Their advanced system allows business travelers and companies to complete hotel reservations with immediate confirmation at HRS rates. The company has offices in Warsaw, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, London, Shanghai and Moscow and is connected with 30,000 companies worldwide for faster transactions.